Hitchman Racing

Earlville, Iowa - Divisional Race September 11-12, 2009

Tribute to Bud
Race Schedule, Results, and Standings
At the Races!
Team Photo Album
The Future Racers
Other Bit's and Pieces

Fishing was better than racing!


The team arrived Monday afternoon in Earlsville, Iowa. Rex and Justin checked out the area lakes and found a beautiful campground right next to a trout creek, a river and a lake. Darryl and Cindy decided take the motor home and stay there a few days for Tuesday and Wednesday instead of at the track. Rex and Justin were gone all day, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday fishing at several different lakes. Cindy and Darryl fished for trout and Scooter and Roxy loved it all. There was a small sandy beach and a shallow shoreline and the dogs had a field day there. At night, they all met at the campfire and cooked dinners over the fire pit. It was a very relaxing and nice three days.


Thursday Cindy and Darryl headed back to the track. Friday the team got the car ready and made the first qualifying pass at 5:00 pm. The team changed head gaskets trying to fix the problem of pounding bearings. The car shook hard and Darryl was headed for the centerline when he shut it down. There were eleven cars and he was number 10 at the end of the session.


Saturday morning after much discussion it was decided to check the crank because of number seven bearing. The crank was cracked and the team had to change engines in a big hurry. They rushed out to the line and did not have time to cool the nitro. Darryl ran a slower number and the team had one more chance to get in. Darryl decided the change back to the other head gaskets even if it meant pounded bearings.


Well that did not work, ready to run a 5.3??? Darryl hit the pedal only to go up in smoke immediately. That was totally not expected so back to the drawing board. Because of the problems, Darryl decided to go to Belle Rose, Louisiana for the divisional race on Friday. So it was home for one day and then off to Louisiana.


Check out "Other Bit's and Pieces" for the fishing pictures.

Next race at Belle Rose, Louisiana